And here we are, at the beginning of October: how the frick did that happen?!
Whilst most of us try and ignore the fact that the Big C is fast approaching… there’s also, no ignoring it really, right?
The Big old C is pretty synonymous with sequins and a bit of bling, but for me, no sooner does the weather turn grey & gloomy and it’s open season to get my sparkle on: any excuse for those of us with magpie tendencies: but, I’m not necessarily looking at full blown head-to-toe sequins here, just a bit of sparkle which you could wear day or night.
Can I persuade *you* into wearing a bit of bling during the day, regardless of the time of year?
7. Just a tiny touch of sparkle:
You get 3 in one here with the small accessories, which are the easiest way in wearing a bit of bling during the day:
Other Stories – Lurex Socks (£8)
So these sorts of sparkly lurex socks are pretty much a dime a dozen, available every where and no doubt, much cheaper deals are to be found.
But I have a fair few pairs, mainly from Topshop (they usually have a 3 for 2 offer on socks) and my favourite, best fitting pair of sparkly socks are from Other Stories.
Sparkly socks have little stretch in them, so if you go for a full lurex sock, like some of the Topshop ones, which are a generic ‘one size fits all’, and you have small feet… then you will have a baggy toe bit that you have to fold over, or you pull them so high that the heel is on your ankle.
NOT a good look.
So, a lurex mixed sock like these Other Stories ones are just a better fit.
I reckon Primark probably have some brilliant ones, but I don’t have a local store so can’t report on it I’m afraid.
Mango Sequin Earrings (£12)
Another cheap and cheerful and gentle way to break yourself into wearing day time sparkles.
I love the look of these navy blue flower earrings, and again, there’s probably loads more out there that are cheaper… but these are the ones which happened to catch my eye!
Mango Brooch Clasp Set (£15.99)
Is the whole ‘patch’ phenomenon petering out now?
Perhaps for some.
But, if you’re still into it, this Brooch set from Mango (and I’m not entirely certain that they are brooches, they look like patches to me?) are a great little blingy set which could be added to jackets, shirts, jeans, jumpers… and will add a wee soupçon of sparkle to your outfit.
Moving on…
6. House of Fraser – Mint Velvet Charcoal & Sequin Batwing Top (£59)
A sequin slogan top is a perfect way to add sparkle to your day.
This isn’t over the top, it’s grey and understated… and can be worn day or night, all year round.
Wearing a top like this would instantly put a smile on my face… even it is a little “drab” in its grey-ness: because it still has a bit of bling on it!
However if the ‘batwings’ are putting you off, there’s also this HM Sweatshirt with motif (£29.99):
Another cool option for a bit of daytime bling.
5. Zara – Mini Sequinned Crossbody Bag (£29.99)
Now if you can’t cope with wearing the bling on your actual clothing, this little cross body bag is for you!
You can feel you’ve jazzed up your outfit with some bling, but of course, you aren’t “wearing” it all day long.
It’s a super cute little bag, which would lift any day time jeans & jumper kind of outfit, but would double up really well for an evening out clutch.
4. River Island – Pink Sequin Western Boots (£45)
These are just ace, aren’t they?
Now I would agree with you if you said that these are a bit too “full on” for the day, but… and hear me out on this… if you were wearing them with jeans and a plain black or navy turtle neck sweater, with just a bit of sparkle toe on show… I think they could be worn in the day.
And they would be total boots of joy!
I defy anyone to not feel totally happy when they wear these boots: I totally love them!
3. Esprit – Smart Lurex Blended Jumper (£45)
Going for a lurex blended jumper is the easiest way to wear some bling in the day.
This black one from Esprit (also available in grey which actually looks more silver to me) is a perfect slouchy sweater which when worn with plain-ish bottoms (whether jeans, culottes or a midi-skirt) would liven your outfit up, but certainly wouldn’t be in your face.
And in case you’re wondering what a ‘lurex blend’ is: it’s basically regular yarn (whether wool or man-made fibres) which has a single skinny little strand of metallic fibre running though it which gives a bit of a glittery effect, but no where near as overpowering as full on glitzy sequins.
2. Topshop – Batwing Sequin Jacket (£59)
I absolutely think I might just have to have this sequin jacket, cardi thingy.
It’s just all kinds of fabulous!
Can be my bit of Christmas Sparkle if worn with jeans & a little cami top and my Other Stories pewter/silver boots.
But… I’d equally be at home in it during the day, worn with my pleather joggers, a turtle neck and Ganni Masha boots or sneakers.
Have I sold it to you yet?
I feel a wee purchase coming on…
Although, and this is just a Beany-bonus for you… this deep-red jacket has the “Season of Sparkle” written ALL. OVER. IT…
*sigh* I really love this one too.
It’s from House of Fraser – Hot Squash Jacket (£95) and boasts a thermal lining!
Although even I have to admit, I might feel a tad over dressed wearing this to do the ironing, or grocery shopping on any given day.
BUT, but, but… lets all just take one more look at it together and have a collective *swoon*…
Did you do it?
Swoon with me?
Better move on to my number one…
1. Boden – Virginie Sequin Shirt (£65)
Perfect smart, but sparkly shirt from Boden.
In my favourite colour too.
Although it’s also available in White (with silver sequins) if Navy isn’t your bag.
For me this is the sort of shirt I’d wear in the day at this time of year, with some jeans & a big chunky knit cardi thrown over it – though perhaps not to be worn on a “chores” day, but on one of my admin days, or “me-days” (something I haven’t had one of in eons during a working week!).
I also like the fact that it’s a smart-dressy shirt.
And that it’s available in Petite as well…
I have a wedding come up next weekend, and although I thought I had my outfit sorted in my head, and was determined to make use of dressy stuff already hanging in my wardrobe… I think this shirt might work better with the skirt I’d planned to wear rather than the plain-ish navy top I was thinking of wearing.
Oh no!
Curse of researching the Sunday 7 strikes again and I may have just ordered this… just to see of course.
Right… and on that note, let’s move on swiftly…
Stinker of the Week – Topshop Gold Hologram Catsuit – by Jaded London (£45)
So you might be thinking that this isn’t a fair selection for Stinker of the week because it’s not being targeted at me, a 40+ stay at home mum.
Which is true enough.
But… when I was younger (and SO not a magpie back in my younger years AT ALL)… I would have baulked at this catsuit.
It’s one of those colours which would make you look naked from afar… don’t you think? or is that just me?
It does remind me of the Scummy Mummies gold outfits, but again, they wear their bodysuits for comedy effect, don’t they?
So this catsuit gets a big, fat, unapologetic, thumbs down from me!
And now, the one you’ve all been waiting for – I know, I know (ok, so you haven’t, but here it is anyway…):
Wildcard of the Week – Zara Sequinned Midi Dress (£69.99)
Such a pretty, delicate shade of pink.
And it is COVERED in sequins:
But can it be worn in the day?
It sure can.
If you remember *that* Pink HM sequin skirt from last year:
Well… then you can bet your bottom dollar that this dress can be worn in the day!
Here’s how:
Look 1 – The Classic Pleated Look: Just like the styling in the pic of the HM skirt from The Girl Named Love’s Blog, a big chunky knit thrown over the dress with some white trainers has become a classic look for dressing down a smarter, blingy piece of clothing. So just wear something like this Zara Oversized Sweater (£29.99) in burgundy over the top of the dress and some classic Adidas Stan Smiths from Office (74.99) {- which happen to have a pink tab at the back & rose-gold writing… gorgeous!} Just add this Zara Bucket Bag (£29.99) {which can also be converted into a backpack – how cool?} and perhaps one of this M&S Textured Fringe Snood Scarfs (£9.50) and you’re all set with a classic look.
Look 2 – The Cami Over the Top look: Given the ‘cami top’ of this dress, you could opt to wear the full dress on show but just over a HM Merino Knit (£34.99) and touched things up with these Zara Flat Leather Angle Boots with Slogan Laces (£89.99). A long line coat would work really well over this outfit, something like this Jigsaw Single Breasted City Wool Coat (£260) and then mix the textures up a little with your bag, something like this Mango Metallic Handled Faux Fur Bag (£49.99) would look cute.
Look 3 – The Leather Look: Now this isn’t a million miles away from Looks 1 and 2, but is simply a variation on a theme… Check a cool slogan sweat over the top of the dress, something like this HM Printed Sweatshirt (£17.99) and at this point, you could go a long line coat again like this HM Wool Blend Coat (£69.99) in blue, but instead, I’d go for a leather jacket. Or leather look at least. I’m liking this Zara Oversized Biker Jacket (£89.99) and whilst you could go for trainers, I think these Zara Block Heel Boots (£89.99). And, because I’m currently obsessing about bucket bags, I’d go for this Topshop Cherry Bucket Bag (£29).
So, what do you think: have I persuaded you to bling it up in the day? Or am I just preaching to the converted?!
And yes, there are more than 7 in this week’s Sunday 7; I hold my hand up. But, as a little magpie, I just couldn’t help myself!
I’ve been solo parenting this weekend whilst Mr went for a jolly in Brigton to see a Lorde gig with his buddy… however, this evening it’s my turn to go out with this same buddy for a Belinda Carlisle gig.
I know: blast from the past, right?
Frankly, I’d rather have gone to the Lorde gig and so you might be thinking I’ve drawn the short straw.
However, I get out of the ironing of uniforms on a Sunday night AND I don’t have to tackle 4 hours of travelling home with a hangover! #winning
Right… off to dig out my glittery green HM ‘astro turf’ trousers again, which by the way, are mega-comfy… pretty much like joggers in fact. With added sparkle, of course!
Thanks for reading.
B x